E Invites!
Hey everyone! I am really struggling to find an online invitation website that meets my needs. 1. I need to be able to upload my own invitation design. (If this is not an option, but the rest of this list is, I'm in!) 2. I need to be able to display multiple events (2-3 to be specific). 3. Guests need to be able to RSVP to each event. I am not inviting all of my guests to all 3 events, so I need to be able to control who sees what events. PLEASE please let me know if you have any websites or sources. I would really appreciate it! Thank you thank you thank you!
22 Feb 2024
I was able to do all of these on appycouple. I think your design does have to fit their dimensions though.
01 Mar 2024
Checklist for Required Data from Client Checklist for Required Data from Client 100% 10 H15 You can use Zola and still send your virtual invite via email/iMessage! The latter two needs are met on Zola but don’t think #1 is. You can use Zola and still send your virtual invite via email/iMessage! The latter two needs are met on Zola but don’t think #1 is. Turn on screen reader support To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash
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